Master Program student in Biotechnology, Faculty of Postgraduate School UGM, Febri Yuda Kurniawan managed to get the best scientific writing award in the Scientific Paper Writing Workshop held by the UGM Graduate School. The scientific work entitled “Keanekaragaman dan Strategi Konservasi Anggrek Alam di Bawah Pengaruh Antropogenik Kawasan Bukit Dowo, Kulonprogo” (Diversity and Conservation Strategies of Natural Orchids under the Anthropogenic Influence of the Dowo Hills Area, Kulonprogo) became one of the two best works during the workshop. Febri has shown the results of writing that are following the material presented so that the paper is considered worthy of publication.
This activity has been held online from 20-21 December 2021. The workshop was filled with speakers from 6 resource persons who are experts in their fields with different topics, namely Prof. Dr. Irwan Abdullah, M. A, Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, SS., M. Hum, DEA, Prof. Dr. Abdul Rohman, S. F., Apt., M. Si, Dr. M. Iqbal Ahnaf, and Dr. Leonard C. Epaphras. As an evaluation of the workshop session, participants were given the task of compiling a publication manuscript. Participants submit manuscripts from December 22 to January 5, 2022. Then, as an award, 8 selected manuscripts will receive an incentive of 250,000 rupiahs each and the 2 best manuscripts will be recommended to be published in the Kawistara Journal and Teknosains Journal. As one of the 8 selected manuscripts, Febri Yuda Kurniawan had the opportunity to be the best 2 who received recommendations to publish scientific papers in the Technosains Journal. This opportunity is a good opportunity to add value to the publication and is useful to support the next career.