Bioteknologi UGM – Master of Biotechnology study program at Postgraduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has recently received an honour opportunity of a public lecture from PT. Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia that lectured by Andreas Donny Prakarsa, S.Farm., M.Sc. He is working as a Head of Corporate Relationship at PT. Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia. Previously, he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy at Sanatha Darma University, Yogyakarta, and continued his Master program by taking Medical Biotechnology at Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
Bioteknologi UGM – Master of Biotechnology study program at Postgraduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has recently received an honoured opportunity to conduct a public lecture with Prof. Dr. Michael Sauer, Professor and Deputy Head of the Department of Biotechnology, from Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU University). In this public lecture, he presented a lecture of bioprocess technology and also offered PhD positions for all of Master’s students in Biotechnology at UGM. Previously, he received a Master’s degree in Biotechnology at the ETH Zürich University, Austria, and continued his PhD program in Biochemistry at the University of Vienna, Austria.
Biotechnology UGM – An extraordinary opportunity was obtained by the UGM Biotechnology Masters study program with the presence of Resources Prima Group CEO Agus Sugiono in the context of studying Biotechnology careers. Starting the career lecture meeting this time, Mr. Agus Sugiono as CEO asked students about the meaning of a career. According to Mr. Agus Sugiono, a career is the development and progress of life, work, and so on. Furthermore, he also asks whether success is part of the goal or effect. According to Mr. Agus Sugiono, a career is to become an adult in his successful career. People who have a career and are qualified are not just because of the material.
FBiotechnology UGM – Master of Biotechnology study program at the UGM Postgraduate School again received the opportunity to have a guest lecture from PT. Kalbe Farma, Tbk represented by Dr. Harry Murti. He serves as Head of Process Development at the Stem Cell Processing Laboratory. Previously, he studied post-doctoral program at Hanyang Biomedical Research Institute, South Korea.
PT Kalbe Farma, Tbk is a pharmaceutical company that now has become healthcare. Some of the strategic business units owned are Pharma which is in charge of the production of over-the-counter drugs such as cold, diarrhea, and prescription drugs. In addition, there is Biopharma which is composed of several divisions such as eyecare, consumer health, logistics, and medical devices. Then there is Kalgen DNA which functions to provide diagnostic kits.