Biotechnology is a branch of biology that is currently developing rapidly. Career opportunities for graduates of the Biotechnology are very broad. Graduates of the Biotechnology can build careers as bioentrepreneurs, forensics, extension workers, consultants, NGO activists, formulators and policy makers, researchers, lecturers, and work in other positions in the private and government sectors. One of the careers most sought after by students and graduates of the Biotechnology is to become a researcher or academician. In order to provide an overview of careers in the field of research, the Biotechnology Master’s Study Program UGM has been held a career lecture in collaboration with Dr.rer.nat. Yustian Rovi Alfiansah, BRIN researcher, as speaker.
Career lecture moderated by Dr. Dini Wahyu Kartika Sari, S.Pi., M.Sc., head of the Master of Biotechnology Study Program, was held online on Friday, October 13, 2023 on Zoom which was mandatory for all students of the Master of Biotechnology 2023 as one of the compulsory course. This lecture began with an explanation of the comparison of duties as a researcher in a private company which is generally part of the research and development (RnD) division with that of a researcher at the National Innovation Research Agency (BRIN). Where researchers in private institutions are required to carry out research whose output is in the form of commercial products that will be used by the public. Then Dr.rer.nat. Yustian Rovi Alfiansah also explained the career path for researchers in Indonesia which has 4 levels, namely first expert researcher, young expert researcher, middle expert researcher, and main expert researcher which is the highest career level for researchers with the title of research professor.
The material continues by explaining examples of research that has been carried out and ongoing research topics to be offered to students who are interested in conducting research at BRIN. The material closed by gave perspectives and take home messages, including that Biotechnology career opportunities are very broad, especially as researchers, as researchers you need to continue to carry out self-development (higher studies, training, summer courses), need collaboration with other fields of science to increase accuracy and precision, and exploration is needed of biological resources to increase innovation in various fields. After all the material had been delivered, it was continued with a question and answer session, where in this session there were two questions from Yan Erisma and Bestran. This career lecture closed with a photo session with the speaker, moderator, and all participants.
Author: Nurmara Salsabila