The Master’s and Doctoral Programs in Biotechnology at Universitas Gadjah Mada hosted a Short Course and Workshop specifically designed for high school biology teachers in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). This event took place on August 7-8, 2024, and aims to build the capacity of educators in the rapidly evolving field of biotechnology. The workshop welcomed 30 biology teachers from various high schools across Yogyakarta, providing them with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of molecular genetics and its applications.
Two students of Study Program of Master’s in Biotechnology UGM, Nada Tazkia Purba and Nurmara Salsabila, along with Study Program of Biotechnology UGM’s lecturer Dr. Yekti Asih Purwestri and Dr. Tri Rini Nuringtyas attended a workshop at the University of Adelaide (UoA), Australia on June 18-21, 2024. This activity is one of the objectives of the KONEKSI (Knowledge Partnership Platform Australia-Indonesia) Program, a collaborative initiative between organizations in Australia and Indonesia. Together with the Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Center for Future Crops Development, Australian National University (ANU), the research collaboration entitled “Building a Sustainable Future: Developing Nutritious and Climate-Resilient Crop Varieties” also involves BRIN Indonesia and IRRI Philippines. On this trip, the KONEKSI research consortium was fully present, namely Dr. Aris Hairmansis, Dr. Yudhistira Nugraha, and Trias Sitaresmi, M.Sc. from BRIN; Prof. Inez Slamet-Loedin from IRRI; and Dr. Siti Nurbaiti, Dr. Yustina C.F.S., Gloria Fransisca K.L., and a team of research assistants from UGM.
Two students from the Master in Biotechnology Study Program Universitas Gadjah Mada, Azmi Zaki Waliudin Althaf and Sarwan Adi Kusumo, were selected to take part in a traineeship program at the University of Helsinki, Finland. This program is part of a collaborative project between Universitas Gadjah Mada and the University of Helsinki which focuses on the study of antimicrobial resistance. This activity, which was carried out at Biokeskus 1, University of Helsinki, lasted for three months from May to August 2024.
The Research Center for Biotechnology held a National Seminar on Biotechnology as an annual agenda that has been going on for a long time. This year’s National Seminar on Biotechnology IX was held on October 21 2023, inviting four talented speakers in each field. The four speakers are Marc Alfons M Peeters (Bambu Nusa Verde), Dr. Yekti Asih Purwestri, S.Si., M.Sc. (Gadjah Mada University), Ts. Dr. Rabiatul Basria S. M. N. Mydin. (Universiti Sains Malaysia), and Dr. Dian Kesumapramudya, M.Sc., Ph.D., SpA. (Universitas Gadjah Mada).
Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada held a general lecture on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 with Prof. Dr. Teruna Siahaan. The material He presented was related to research design, research ethics, and the integrity of a researcher. According to Prof. Teruna Siahaan, research has become very important because have direct impact on world development, for examples are development of vaccines, medicinal products, molecular therapy, etc. Apart from that, research can also bring improvement in the field of science and technology through discoveries, answering basic questions about nature, solving problems in various areas of life, improving people’s health and welfare, answering curiosity, and contributing to nation’s development in the future.
The Biotechnology Study Program Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, will again hold its annual reception and first lecture event for new masters and doctoral program students on Friday, August 11 2023 at 08.00 WIB until finished in the Lecture Room, 3th Floor of Biotechnology Study Program, PAU UGM Building. Previously, the 1st batch of the Master of Biotechnology student admissions program had been open since May 2023. After going through a series of file selection and interviews, 45 prospective new students were selected. A total of 45 new Master’s students in Biotechnology UGM 2023/2024 took part in the reception and first lecture with great enthusiasm.
Biotechnology UGM – Faculty Fair is one of the routine agendas held by Universitas Gadjah Mada as a forum to introduce the advantages of various faculties and a series of existing work units to the general public. This event ever stopped due to the Covid-19 Pandemic and was only held again on March 18-19, 2023. The venue of this event took place at Grha Sabha Pramana, UGM and free of charge. The target of this activity is all students who want to run for office, as well as active students and university graduates who want to continue their education in the UGM Postgraduate Program.
The Biotechnology Master Program of the Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada and the Tanjungpura University Postgraduate Program held an event carried the theme “Curriculum and Course Overview of the Biotechnology Masters Program” on Monday, December 5th, 2022 at the Innside Hotel Yogyakarta. The team of speakers from the Master’s Program in Biotechnology UGM, namely Ir. Donny Widianto, Ph.D., Dr. Rarastoeti Pratiwi, M.Sc., and Dr. Tri Rini Nuringtyas, S.Si., M.Sc.
Representative persons from the Biotechnology Master Program of the Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada explained curriculum evaluations and shared the experiences in implementing the Biotechnology Master’s Program as Tanjungpura University plans to hold a multidisciplinary Biotechnology Master’s Program.
Monday, December 5th, 2022 – The Biotechnology Study Program held a meeting with international partners from Ibaraki University, represented by Prof. Tatsuo Sato, PhD, Dr. Kikuchi Ashina, and Assoc. Prof. Sakagami Nobuo Ph.D.
On that occasion, a discussion was held on the continuation of the Double Degree (DD) collaboration program for Master of Biotechnology students of Universitas Gadjah Mada who had been hampered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the Ibaraki University delegation also submitted a new program proposal in the form of a non-degree student exchange for Master of Biotechnology students. In this student exchange program, students have the opportunity to carry out research for 2-5 months at Ibaraki University. Students completing the program will receive a certificate signed by the Deans of both parties (Ibaraki University and Gadjah Mada University) in addition to joint publication opportunities. The activity closed with a discussion on the possibility of joint research collaboration and the exchange of souvenirs.
Sleman, July 28th, 2022. Healthy food intake is the key to healthy growth and development, especially during childhood years. It is not only obtained from home, but food intake is also obtained by the children in schools. The BPOM (Indonesian national agency of drug and food control) survey in 2010 stated that more than 70% of food poisoning incidents occurred among elementary school (SD) students. The selection of food and snacks that are safe for consumption by children needs to be a concern to prevent similar incidents from happening again in the school environment.