The Biotechnology Study Program Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, will again hold its annual reception and first lecture event for new masters and doctoral program students on Friday, August 11 2023 at 08.00 WIB until finished in the Lecture Room, 3th Floor of Biotechnology Study Program, PAU UGM Building. Previously, the 1st batch of the Master of Biotechnology student admissions program had been open since May 2023. After going through a series of file selection and interviews, 45 prospective new students were selected. A total of 45 new Master’s students in Biotechnology UGM 2023/2024 took part in the reception and first lecture with great enthusiasm.
The series of events consisted of a speech from the Manager of the Biotechnology Study Program, Dr. Tri Rini Nuringtyas, M.Sc., and a speech from the Head of the Center for Biotechnology Studies, Dr. Yekti Asih Purwestri, M.Si. Then the event continued with an explanation of the Academic Guidelines, an introduction to the Study Program infrastructure and Biotechnology Study Center by the Head of the Biotechnology Master’s Study Program, Dr. Dini Wahyu Kartika Sari, S.Pi, M.Sc. The introduction session continued with introductions between new students and staff which closed with a group photo. Next, at 09:00 WIB, the first inaugural lecture began by Dr.rer.nat. Risky Oktriani, S.Si, M.Biotech., M.Sc who is a Masters alumnus in 2009. Dr. Risky is a PhD graduate from the Faculty of Biosciences, Heidelberg University, Germany, who is currently working at FKKMK UGM. On this occasion Dr. Risky presented material on “Application of CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technology in Biomedical research” which is now being widely researched because of its potential use in the field of gene therapy. Meanwhile, the first lecture 2 was presented by Dr. Ema Damayanti, M. Biotech (Master of Science in Biotechnology 2010) who also completed her study program at Biotechnology UGM. Currently Dr. Ema is an active researcher at the Food Technology and Process Research Center, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). No less interesting, the material presented in the first lecture on topic 2 discussed the use of microorganisms for food and health using genomic and metabolomic approaches.
It is hoped that the reception event and first lecture for new students for the master’s and doctoral program will provide an understanding of the learning culture in the UGM Master’s and Doctoral program in Biotechnology and provide a brief insight into research projects related to Biotechnology through the first lecture that has been given.
Author: Rizki Wijaya